Sunday, February 27, 2011


Last Friday and Saturday I went out of town with my fiancé to a marriage conference. We are both Catholic and I chose to go to Ft. Wayne because I have a few friends that live in Ft. Wayne. Our little miniature vacation was great and the marriage conference was great as well. Everything was so great that I just did not want to come back to another grueling week of school.

Thank God it’s Thursday! This is the day of the week I am going to focus on because this is the end of my school week. This last week was definitely a great week for me.

Monday started like every other Monday. The first day of the week that sort of “fuels” you up for the week ahead. I hope your Monday went well. Tuesday, for this semester at least, is a breather for me. Do not be confused, class that day is hard and I have to pay attention for the full seventy-five minutes, as you should for any class you take, but this class requires 150% of your full attention, After this class I go over to the gym for some fitness and exercise.

It is hump day, also known as Wednesday. I always look forward to Wednesday. My fiancé always says, “Only one more day after today,” not only that, but I realized it was already the seventh week of the semester. There are sixteen weeks in a semester and that meant that this next week will be the eighth week, midterm! It kind of feels like school just started, as it always feels that way, but that only means Spring Break is in the horizon. No, seriously, I plan to be lethargic and sleep till nine or ten in the morning.
So alas, Thursday finally came. The date was February 24. I did not go and exercise today because we had a guest speaker, David Blakesley, come and speak to us about Visual Literacy. After this got over I went to spend the weekend with my fiancé. It is great hanging out with my best friend, the man who is 99% compatible with me.

I cannot wait until spring break. I am going to be spending everyday with my fiancé. We are going to make the labels for our wedding invitations, plan our catered luncheon for our reception, and maybe, just maybe, my wedding dress will be in.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Here we come little Bavaria!

After our last teeth grinding final for the fall semester of 2010, my fiancé and I took a short winter getaway up to Frankenmuth, Michigan. Frankenmuth is the home of Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland. Bronner’s was the first store we shopped at. It was a large store of anything Christmas anyone could ever want. We spent a good three hours in this store looking at all the beautiful decorations of every country you could think of. I even bought a few decorations made to represent the countries my ancestors are from. Best of all, my fiancé bought and had personalized a red ornament for me. It has a snowman on it that reads, “Jaime melts my heart”.

The next day we went downtown "Little Bavaria" in Frankenmuth. Bavaria is German
meaning a small region in Germany. We are both Germen and we enjoyed this experience. This is how I love to experience the simple things in life.

I would love to have a marriage of just simple things. How would you like your marriage? Would you like to be a stay at home mom? I am not having children and I do not want to stay at home all the time, but at the same time I do not want to become overwhelmed with a job. I might be sounding like many women, or maybe you are one of those women who do prefer a career over marriage. I say kudos to any choice a woman makesJ

As for me and my fiancé, we love the cold weather and the snow. We could get lost somewhere like this, but yet it would be okay because we would have eachother. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011


October ninth marked one year that I had been dating the man of my dreams!

On that day, back in 2010, he asked me to be his wife. As a matter of fact, I was really hoping that he would ask me to accept his hand in marriage because I do love him more than life. He is helping me grow into the right woman that I want to become.

 It is a little embarrassing, but something always to remember, when he did kneel down on one knee in a garden under a trellis at The Carriage House Dining Room & Gardens, and started to propose I gushed "YES, YES, YES" before he could even finish proposing.

He completes me in every way possible and I know that I complete him. We complete each other. Some examples of this are that we have great communication; we work excellent as a team in the kitchen, we enjoy watching movies together (even though he loves the bloody horror and laughing at my reactions during the movie), we love God and will always put Him first in our relationship.

During the first week that we were seeing each other he asked me to help him be a better person, as he had spent twenty years in the United States Navy and was focused on work and school. At the same time, I was longing for a bigger and better phase in my life. We found each other when we needed each other and realized that we will need each other for the rest of our lives.

Today I am writing a blog about my wedding planning and the road to the best day of my life when I become Mrs. Dennis James Vandenberg.