Sunday, February 13, 2011


October ninth marked one year that I had been dating the man of my dreams!

On that day, back in 2010, he asked me to be his wife. As a matter of fact, I was really hoping that he would ask me to accept his hand in marriage because I do love him more than life. He is helping me grow into the right woman that I want to become.

 It is a little embarrassing, but something always to remember, when he did kneel down on one knee in a garden under a trellis at The Carriage House Dining Room & Gardens, and started to propose I gushed "YES, YES, YES" before he could even finish proposing.

He completes me in every way possible and I know that I complete him. We complete each other. Some examples of this are that we have great communication; we work excellent as a team in the kitchen, we enjoy watching movies together (even though he loves the bloody horror and laughing at my reactions during the movie), we love God and will always put Him first in our relationship.

During the first week that we were seeing each other he asked me to help him be a better person, as he had spent twenty years in the United States Navy and was focused on work and school. At the same time, I was longing for a bigger and better phase in my life. We found each other when we needed each other and realized that we will need each other for the rest of our lives.

Today I am writing a blog about my wedding planning and the road to the best day of my life when I become Mrs. Dennis James Vandenberg.


  1. congratulation hope you both will be happy for a long time.

  2. I was thinking the other day about the mystery of marriage. It is so amazing to think that there are so many people in the world, yet two people can choose one another. You chose one another out of all the people in the world. When you think of it that way, you must have a great love for one another!
